Thursday, April 17, 2008

The NCAA:The rules that need to change

The NCAA has several rules that need to change. Let me examine one rule that bothers me the most and tell you why I think it needs to change.

- A coach can leave a university and not be penalized, unless a buyout has to be paid, but an athlete can't leave to play for another university within Division I. Whre is the logic in this? In my humbe opinion, nine times out of ten, the athlete is going to go to the university because the coach recruited them. But, yet when the person that essentially hires them to do their job, leaves, they must stay at the university and play for a coach who may not even want them. This rule needs to be changed. A student athlete should be permitted to leave their member institution if the head coach of that program leaves. Now, if the assistant coach, or recruiting coordinator, leaves, then tough luck for the player. I believe nine times out of ten, while you may have that bond with the recruiting coordinator, you are going to play for the head coach.

I can't think of an instance lately where my ire has been drawn by this, but I just figured I needed to start using my blog. But, you can look at any college program this year where the head coach is going to be a first year coach and the players he recruited at his previous place of employment are still there. Fair? You be the judge, but the Honorable Robert Harry Alvis IV says the NCAA is guilty of poor judgment on this.

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