Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thoughts on the ALCS

Being the devout Yankees fan that I am, I thought I would offer a few thoughts on the ALCS against Texas.

- Joe Girardi has been outmanaged and has looked like a total fool. If the Rangers bullpen doesn't blow up in Game 1, then this series is already over and they are awaiting the winner of the Phillies-Giants in the Fall Classic.

- Mariano Rivera should be well rested. Why Girardi didn't throw him in Game 3 when the game was still manageable, is beyond me. This is the playoffs, you can't be resting somebody saying "Well, we want him available to throw 2 innings tomorrow." Rivera is your stud in the pen, and he should be treated as such. The Yankees haven't led much in the series, but Rivera can still be valuable to keep a game close rather then bringing in David Robertson, Joba Chamberlain, or anyone else.

- The Yankees hitting has reminded me of the 2001 World Series against Arizona. They didn't hit for lick in that series either, and they aren't hitting against Texas. If it weren't for Robinson Cano and Derek Jeter, they'd be extremely dismal.

- The Yankees are down 3-1, they need to take the mindset of winning one game at a time, not winning 3 games. Win Game 5, before you worry about Game 6.

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