Monday, December 29, 2008

Crennel, Marinelli and Mangini Out

Well, I am 1 for 2 so far.

Detroit fired Rod Marinelli this morning. No one should be surprised. Some people just aren't cut out to be head coaches and maybe Marinelli fits that bill. I think Detroit is bad, but I don't think they need help at EVERY position. Most positions, yes. Every position, no. They don't need a running back, they have Kevin Smith. They don't need a # 1 Wide Reciever, they have Calvin Johnson. I heard something interesting bantered about on ESPN 2's 1st & 10 last week. What if, the Patriots and Lions talked, and one said "Hey, you give us two 1st round picks (presumably this year's and next) and we'll give you Tom Brady."

Would you do this deal if you are the Lions? Would you do this deal if you are the Patriots? I think it has pros and cons for both sides. I'll discuss that in a later blog.

Eric Mangini out as the New York Jets head coach. Somewhat surprised, but not shocked. Rumors of him not getting along with Brett Favre kind of doomed him. If you don't get alone with the star, you are more expendable then the star. If I were the Jets, I don't know that I'd want Favre back for his football playing ability anymore.

Romeo Crennel out as head coach of the Cleveland Browns. Once again not a surprise. 4-12 with the expectations they had, somebody had to take the fall. This team is probably not that far away, but there are some things that need to be done to get the Dog Pound going again.

More later on

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