Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cease with the potshots

"Even though most of you won't be able to see it" or "That game was on?" are just some of the shots that have been fired at games that have been aired on the NFL Network. Now, I am a Direc TV subscriber, so I am lucky enough to have been able to view Pittsburgh at St.Louis, Indianapolis at Atlanta, Denver at Houston, Dallas at Carolina, Cincinnati at San Francisco, Chicago at Washington, and Green Bay at Dallas. For those of you who aren't, I am sorry. Time Warner and Comcast continue to squabble with the NFL Network over charges to air the cable network. The network is available in less then 40 % of the nation's homes.

Yesterday, NFL Comissioner Roger Goddell made a historic and significant ruling focusing on this Saturday's NFL Network telecast. The game will feature the New England Patriots battling the New York Giants in the Meadowlands. A week 17 tilt that features nothing on the line but the Patriots quest for a 17-0 regular season record (which has never been done in the history of the National Football League). The Commish said the game will be simulcasted on CBS and NBC. For you, trivia buffs out there, you may remember that Super Bowl I between the Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs was on NBC and CBS. Bonus question for you trivia buffs out there (and if you know the answer, e-mail me at CBS and NBC used two different broadcast/announcing crews. Name them. Once again if you have that answer, e-mail me at You will will win absolutely nothing, other then to see your name appear in a future blog.

I am somewhat shocked that this game has been picked to simulcast on two other networks aside from it's originating network (The NFL Network). A lot of people have been showering praise on the commissioner for his decision. Is it a good PR move, sure? What would be a better move? Getting the NFL network on more homes in this country, if you are going to allow the network to show live games. I am not going to give Mr.G tremednous kudos on this one. If he had taken Bryant Gumbel off the broadcast, then he should have been appluaded.

Alvis out

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Sports Buffet Podcast

In case you don't know (or have been on Mars, Neptune or Uranus) I am the author, creator, producer, writer, director, host and any other superlative you'd like to throw in of "The Sports Buffet" podcast. I always look for feedback on "The Sports Buffet". If you have thoughts (what you think of current podcasts), comments or suggestions (who are your favorite teams and what guests do you want to hear), e-mail me at Also, I am going to be creating a mailing list to update you when new podcasts are added to "The Sports Buffet".

"The Sports Buffet" features high school, college and professional sports. You will be able to hear new podcasts as well as older segments from "Talking High School Sports" and other games broadcasted throughout the years on WKDE.

Here are some of the segments (most of these will be related to high school sports) that you will be hearing on "The Sports Buffet"

"The Sports Buffet" is going to be taking a lot of the segements/features that were spotlighted on "Talking High School Sports". "The Sports Buffet" ( continues to add previous broadcasts from "Talking High School Sports" to the pod-cast site, however we also will be developing new ones as well. In order, to do that, we are re-naming the segments are going to be featured on "The Sports Buffet". The content of the segment will pretty much be the same but the name is changing to give it a fresh start. Here is what you can expect in terms of segments on "The Sports Buffet"

* Catching Up With...... Formerly known as "Checking In" from "Talking High School Sports". This segment features updates on former high school athletes from the Lynchburg area and beyond as they continue their athletic careers in college. You will hear from the athlete, as well as current and past teammates and coaches.

* Whatever Happened to...... Formerly known as "Where Are They Now" from Talking High School Sports". This is the segment where we catch up with former high school athletes, coaches, media members, officials, athletic directors, athletic trainers and more from the Lynchburg area and beyond to find out what they are doing now. You will hear from the individual as well as people that were associated with them during their time in high school sports in the Lynchburg area and beyond.

* Teamwork..... Formerly known as "Teammates" from "Talking High School Sports". This segment test two teammates from an athletic squad to see how well they know each other. With larger teams, it may become a contest to where it would feature 3 teams of 2, similar to ESPN's "Teammates", where they are competing against one another. But, with smaller teams it will feature two participants from a team to see how well they know each other with questions that pertain to questions away from the sport, i.e. favorite movie, favorite food and so forth.

* Know Your Coach...... New segment that will see how well a player knows their coach. This is very similar to "Teammates" but will instead feature 3 athletes from a team to see how well they know their coach.

* 12 Questions..... Formerly known as "One on One with Bob Alvis" from "Talking High School Sports". This segement takes a personality from the sporting world and gives them 12 questions that they would not hear in their normal, everday life, such as "If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 movies would you want with you?"

* Around the Area..... Formerly known as "Inside the Game" from "Talking High School Sports". This segment is designed to take a fast pace look at a sport or conference and it's most recent happenings. The segment can also be designed to take a look at a specific night. For example, a Friday night in High School Football could be covered on one edition of "Around the Area"

* On the Trainer's Table..... Formerly known as "Bumps and Bruises". This segment is designed to allow athletic trainers to talk about a prevention, rehabilitation method, or anything they feel needs to be brought to the public's attention relating to the area of athletic training.

* Away from the Game...... Was to be known as "Off the Field" on "Talking High School Sports" but never really got off the ground. Segment is designed to highlight an athlete's good deeds away from the field. For example, an athlete that may help out at a nursing home, or tutors other students, or is just a good student and is actively involved in their school, church or another organization.

* Chalk Talk..... Formerly known as "Coach's Corner" on "Talking High School Sports". This is where a coach talks about a technique, strategy, or something that will allow the public insight on the game that they coach.

* The Rulebook.... Formerly known as "Rules of the Game" on "Talking High School Sports." This is where a sports official talks about a rule of the sport they officiate. Nothing much more to say about that.

* Talking Shop..... Formerly known as "The Roundtable" on "Talking High School Sports.". This is where 3 coaches, media members, athletes or officials sit down and talk not so much strategy but more of coaching phillosphies and general sitatuions about sports.

You can go to the pod-cast of "The Sports Buffet" ( and hear examples of the segments from the days of "Talking High School Sports" as well as the new segments that will be added to "The Sports Buffet"."The Sports Buffet" is a free pod-cast developed by Bob Alvis, a self described sports nut, as he looks to promote the great things in sports at all levels as well as to inform and entertain the general public. I do have one child (and another on the way) as well as working a 3rd shift job, so I apologize up front if I don't give as much coverage as I'd like to a certain team

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A-Rod: Welcome Home

It appears that Alex Rodriguez (Pay Rod, A-Rod, The Extortionist) is coming back to the Yankees.

Welcome back.

Now, this is coming from someone who said "he can go to hell". This is coming from an A-Rod supporter. I liked the man before he joined the Yankees. Now, the rumor is that A-Rod's announcement during the World Series was all the doing of one Scott Boras. I am not a fan of agents for the most part. Publically, I think the perception is that agents are in the leech family and suck the blood from owners as much as they can. Agents have taken the love of the game out of sports. They have put the business into sports and taken it away from being a game. With that being said, an agents job is to get the most money he can for his client. I think Scott Boras is 51 % to blame for this A-Rod mess. 49 % of the fault goes to Rodriguez. My question is this, who works for who? Scott Boras works for Alex Rodriguez. Rodriguez is the boss, he wears the pants in the relationship, not Boars. I think Rodriguez's ego is as big as the Apple in New York but Boras has Rodriguez whipped.

Bottom line is this, if A-Rod wanted to remain a Yankee, he should have talked extension in that ten day window after the World Series. Alex Rodriguez was going to get his money, let's acknowledge that right now, the Yankees pocketbook is about the size of a Saudi prince. A-Rod could have remained a Yankee, he would have a new contract right now and everything would have been fine, had A-Rod acted professionally. Instead, he portrayed the selfish athlete to its fullest.

That being said, welcome back A-Rod. You got at least one fan in the Alvis family.

Alvis out.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Random Sports Thoughts 10/26

Random thoughts from the world of sports for Friday, October 26th.

- The Major League Baseball season is over. The Boston Red Sox (or as I like to call them, the "Evil Empire") will capture their 2nd World Series title in three years. I heard someone mention the word "dynasty" when referring to this team. I think that word is a little strong. I don't use the word "dynasty" when talking about a team that has won 2 World Series in four years. Also, in case anyone cares who I think should sit for Boston when they go to Colorado, it should be...... Mike Lowell. Put Youkilis as third and let Ortiz play first. If you need to make a late inning substitution, put Lowell in at third and move Youkilis across the diamond.

- A golden opportunity for Virginia Tech blown. I thought the Hokies would win the game (although I thought them being 3 point favorites over the # 2 team in country was a bit ridiculous) but the Hokies blew it down the stretch. I did not see the whole game, but what I did see proved Matt Ryan can make some plays. Boston College will still lose though, whether it be in the ACC Championship or a regular season game. My hope is everyone can ger 1or 2 lowsses this season. Let's complicate things as much as we can.

- One of my favorite times of the year is coming up: the start of the college basketball season. I know Richmond plays November 9th. Now, I do think November 9th is a little early. But can it ever be too early for College Basketball?

- The New York Yankees are wrapping up their managerial search. The three confirmed interviewees that are finalists all have Yankees ties. Former catcher and current YES Network broadcaster, Joe Girardi. Then, Don Mattingly, Yankees bench coach. Finally, Tony Pena, first base coach for this past year's team. I personally wish Bobby Valentine had been included in this interview process. I really don't have a preference with any of the three "finalists". I think Mattingly's inexperience is overrated. Joe Girardi hadn't been a manager until he became manager of the year with the Florida Marlins. Plus, I don't think Joe Torre ever really handled the Yankees pitching staff that well.

Alvis out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

ALCS Game 7 Thoughts

Last night's thoughts from Game 7 of the 2007 ALCS.

- First, I was unhappy.

- What a mistake by Joel Skinner to hold Kenny Lofton at 3rd. I understand why Skinner did that, but at the time a major mistake.

- I know Tim McCarver is not everyone's cup of tea. I know he also beat home the point of why Jake Westbrook was staying in the game after Westbrook was giving up hit, after hit, after hit early in the game. But, I think McCarver was right. Why Eric Wedge didn't get the pen up earlier was beyond me. Saying that though, I think Wedge is one of the better non-marquee managers in the game.

- Two people who won't be back in Boston next year: Julio Lugo and Coco Crisp. Lugo, could have turned out to be a real goat calling off Manny on that fly to leftfield, only for Lugo to watch it hit off his glove and harmlessly hit the ground but he wasn't. Crisp is just going to become a casualty of losing his position to someone younger and better. Back to the shortstop position for a moment, imagine life for the Bo Sox, had the Red Sox kept Hanley Ramirez.

- Alright, let's go Colorado.

Alvis out

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Should Joe Go?

Joe Torre. There has been an outpouring of support for the man who has failed to win a World Series title for the past seven years, while having the largest payroll in the game. Why should Joe stay and why should Joe go? Let's explore the facts.

Why Joe should stay?
- It's not his fault: Last year when the Yankees lost to Detroit, it wasn't Joe's fault. The bats of the Yankees went about as cold as a block of ice in Alaska. Joe tinkered and toyed with the lineup even moving the game's best player Alex Rodriguez to the 8th spot. Now, granted the 8th spot is your 2nd cleanup hitter. But A-Rod batting 8th? I don't know what else can be said about that. This year, again, it's not Joe's fault. I don't care if Cy Young is pitching with the Yankees lineup, they should be able to score three runs. Against Cleveland in Game 2, they did not reach that number.

- For the sake of continuity. Mariano Rivera and Jorge Posada are both free agents. If the Yankees want them back, you would have to think bringing Joe Torre back would almost lock up Rivera and Posada. Don't upset the best closer the game has ever seen. Don't play a game of chicken with one of the steadiest catchers in the game.

Why Joe should leave?
- The Yankees haven't won the World Series in seven years. I don't neccessarily think it means you have a bad season when you don't win the World Series, but when you spend a gazillion dollars a year, you better see some results. The Yankees have the talent but they haven't had the trophies.

- Poor handling of the pitching staff. Earlier this season, the Yankees gave up an eight spot to the Chicago White Sox in the top of the 2nd inning at the Bronx. Joe pulled Roger Clemens out of the game and brought in Mike Myers. Myers threw to one batter. It's 8-0 in the 2nd inning and all Mike Myers can throw to is one batter? I don't know what else to say.

I would like to see a change but only under the right circumstances. Under no circumstance should Joe Torre be replaced by Tony Larussa. But that's another topic for another time.

Alvis out.

Monday, October 15, 2007

NFL Thoughts from 10-14

Hopefully, now "The Sports Buffet" is going to be updated on a regular basis. Here are thoughts from a NFL Sunday.

- The Patriots are playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers. Imagine, had the Patriots had some half-way decent recievers all these years. I hate to knock on Troy Brown, but he is not on the level of Randy Moss, Donte' Stallworth or Wes Welker. The Patriots should have an undefeated season but they won't. They will however beat the Colts.

- Dallas is still a good team. Nothing to hang your head about because the Patriots whipped you. That's going to happen to a lot of teams this year. Dallas will probably still go to the Super Bowl because the NFC is pathetic. Not just the NFC East, but the whole conference is weak.

- Who would you rather have as your QB, Vinny Testaverde or Tim Rattay? I'll get back to you on that one.

Back with more later.

Alvis out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Results for The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge

Results will be posted this evening for "The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge: College and Pro Results Sept 22-24

Here are the results of "The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge" for the college and pro ranks for the week of Sept 22-24.

College Results
Chris Lang 15-2 (Sportswriter, News & Advance)
Mark Hanks 14-3 (Pulaski County Head Boys Basketball Coach)
Zirkle Blakey 14-3 (Editor, Virginia
Bob Alvis 14-3 (Creator, "The Sports Buffet Podcast")
John Goshorn 13-4 (James Madison and Liberty High School Alum)
Will Sloan 12-5 (Former Boys Basketball Player-Liberty High School)
Jim White 12-5 (Brookville High School Head Baseball Coach)
Jason Kilbourne 12-5 (Altavista High School Head Baseball Coach)
Dave Close 12-5 (Altavista High School Assistant Football Coach)
Brad Bradley 12-5 (William Campbell High School Head Football Coach)
Brandon Garrett 11-6 (Nelson County High School Boys Basketball Coach)
Mike Thompson 11-6 (Liberty High School Assistant Baseball Coach)
Brad Harper 11-6 (William Campbell High School Volleyball Coach)
Stewart Grant 11-6 (Liberty High School Head Baseball Coach)
Melva Shelor 11-6 (Former Sports Editor, Bedford Bulletin)
Willie Wilson 11-6 (Former High School Football Player, Jefferson Forest)
Warner Dyke 10-7 (Head Golf Coach-Brookville High School)
Jeff Monroe 10-7 (Former High School Football Player-Altavista High School)
Samantha Francis 10-7 (Former Softball Player-Jefferson Forest High School)

NFL Results
Chris Lang 13-3 (Sportswriter, News & Advnace)
Dave Close 12-4 (Assistant Football Coach-Altavista High School)
Stewart Grant 12-4 (Former Athletic Director-Liberty High School)
Melva Shelor 12-4 (Former Sports Editor, Bedford Bulletin)
Samantha Francis 12-4 (Former Softball Player-Jefferson Forest High School)
Mark Hanks 11-5 (Former Assistant Basketball Coach-VMI)
Dan Stephens 11-5 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Heritage High School)
Brandon Garrett 11-5 (Nelson County Boys Basketball Head Coach)
Jeff Monroe 11-5 (Liberty High School Assistant Softball Coach)
Brad Harper 11-5 (William Campbell High School Head Girls Basketball Coach)
John Goshorn 11-5 (Liberty High School Alum)
Brad Bradley 10-6 (Head Football Coach-William Campbell High School)
Zirkle Blakey 10-6 (Virginia, Editor)
Jim White 10-6 (Brookville High School Head Baseball Coach)
Billy Catron 10-6 (Randolph Henry High School Head Baseball Coach)
Jason Kilbourne 9-7 (Altavista High School Head Baseball Coach)
Warner Dyke 8-8 (Brookville High School Head Girls Basketball Coach)
Willie Wilson 8-8 (Former Holy Cross Head Volleyball Coach)
Will Sloan 8-8 (Former Emory & Henry Men's Basketball Player)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge: NFL Results (Sept 16-17)

Here are the results of "The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge" for the NFL portion of the challenge, for the National Football League's Week 2 schedule.

Dan Stephens 12-4 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Heritage High School)
Bob Alvis 12-4 (Creator of "The Sports Buffet")
Mike Thompson 11-5 (Assistant Baseball & Football Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School)
Chris Lang 11-5 (Sportswriter, Lynchburg News & Advance)
Stewart Grant 10-6 (Head Baseball Coach/Assistant Football Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School)
Brad Bradley 10-6 (Head Football Coach-William Campbell High School)
Brandon Garrett 10-6 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Nelson County High School)
Mark Hanks 10-6 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Pulaski County High School)
Mike Cartolaro 9-7 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Altavista High School)
Warner Dyke 9-7 (Head Girls Basketball Coach/Golf-Brookville High School)
John Goshorn 9-7 (Liberty High School/JMU Alum/Huge Sports Fan)
Steve Mills 9-7 (Head Volleyball Coach-Jefferson Forest High School)
Brad Harper 8-8 (Head Volleyball Coach/Head Girls Basketball Coach-William Campbell High School)
Zirkle Blakey 8-8 (Editor, Virginia
Jeff Monroe 8-8 (Head Boys Basketball Coach/Assistant Football Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School)

This week's NFL Schedule that our "experts" will be picking.
Detroit at Philadelphia
Miami at NY Jets
Buffalo at New England
Arizona at Baltimore
St.Louis at Tampa Bay
San Francisco at Pittsburgh
Indianapolis at Houston
San Diego at Green Bay
Minnesota at Kansas City
Cleveland at Oakland
Jacksonville at Denver
Cincinnati at Seattle
NY Giants at Washington
Carolina at Atlanta
Dallas at Chicago
Tennessee at New Orleans

Reminder, additional participants are welcomed to join the Football Challenge at any time. People may participate in the high school portion of the challenge, the college portion or the NFL portion. Participants may also choose to participate in one, two or all three of the levels involved in the challenge.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge, College Results

Week 1 of "The Sports Buffet's Football Challenge" is almost in the books. 14 participants took part in the College Football portion of the challenge and this week's winner is..............

Brad Bradley. The head football coach at William Campbell High School in Naruna, Virginia proved he knows a little something about the College game as well. Coach Bradley hit on 10 of 14 picks. Here are Week 1's standings.

Brad Bradley 10-4 (Head Football Coach-William Campbell High School)
Brandon Garrett 9-5 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Nelson County High School)
Mike Thompson 9-5 (Assistant Football and Baseball Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School)
Jeff Monroe 9-5 (Assistant Football and Head Boys Basketball Coach- Liberty (Bedford) High School)
Mark Hanks 8-6 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Pulaski County High School)
Mike Cartolaro 8-6 (Head Boys Basketball Coach-Altavista High School)
Brad Harper 8-6 (Head Girls Basketball Coach-William Campbell High School)
Dave Close 8-6 (Assistant Football Coach-Altavista High School)
Stewart Grant 8-6 (Assistant Football Coach & Head Baseball Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School
John Goshorn 8-6 (Libery High School/JMU Alum- Huge Sports Fan)
Zirkle Blakey 8-6 (Editor, Virginia
Steve Mills 7-7 (Head Volleyball Coach-Jefferson Forest High School)
Chris Lang 7-7 (Sportswriter, Lynchburg News & Advance)
Warner Dyke 7-7 (Head Girls Basketball Coach & Golf Coach-Brookville High School)

This week's games that our "experts" will be picking include are
North Carolina at South Florida
East Carolina at West Virginia
Clemson at NC State
Georgia Tech at Virginia
Michigan State at Notre Dame
Penn State at Michigan
South Carolina at LSU
Northwestern at Ohio State
Texas Tech at Oklahoma State
Maryland at Wake Forest
Kentucky at Arkansas
Arizona at California
U Conn at Pittsburgh
Georgia at Alabama
Iowa at Wisconsin
Purdue at Minnesota
Washington State at UCLA
Marshall at Cincinnati

Reminder, additional participants are welcomed to join the Football Challenge at any time. People may participate in the high school portion of the challenge, the college portion or the NFL portion. Participants may also choose to participate in one, two or all three of the levels involved in the challenge.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Sports Buffet with Bob Alvis is here

Finally, the blog known as "The Sports Buffet with Bob Alvis" has begun. This blog will be used to discuss sports on the amatuer and professional level. You can also check out the pod-cast "The Sports Buffet with Bob Alvis" at

The first edition of the blog is to announce an exciting new endeavor called "The Football Challenge". Each week high school coaches in the "Talking High School Sports, The Sports Buffet with Bob Alvis" and other notable personalities will pick High School football games (in the THSS, TSB with BA area) as well as selected college football games and the entire schedule of the National Football League. I will post picks here as well as the participants. Each week, participants may be added and at some point I may look into adding an additional pick 'em contest which would be a "Knockout Contest". This contest is to pick winners and winners alone. Very important to note, nothing is being wagered in this, from money to peanuts to crayons. There are no wagers. Entertainment only.

Here are the participants so far
Mike Cartolaro-Head Boys Basketball Coach-Altavista High School
Warner Dyke-Head Golf Coach & Head Girls Basketball Coach-Brookville High School
Mark Hanks-Head Boys Basketball Coach-Pulaski County High School
Dave Close-Assistant Football Coach-Altavista High School
Dan Stephens-Head Boys Basketball Coach-Heritage (Lynchburg) High School
Brad Bradley-Head Football Coach-William Campbell High School
Jeff Monroe-Head Boys Basketball Coach & Assistant Football Coach-Liberty High School
Brad Harper-Head Girls Basketball Coach-William Campbell High School
Mike Thompson-Assistant Football and Baseball Coach-Liberty (Bedford) High School

Check as more participants are added and for picks and results.