Monday, October 15, 2007

NFL Thoughts from 10-14

Hopefully, now "The Sports Buffet" is going to be updated on a regular basis. Here are thoughts from a NFL Sunday.

- The Patriots are playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers. Imagine, had the Patriots had some half-way decent recievers all these years. I hate to knock on Troy Brown, but he is not on the level of Randy Moss, Donte' Stallworth or Wes Welker. The Patriots should have an undefeated season but they won't. They will however beat the Colts.

- Dallas is still a good team. Nothing to hang your head about because the Patriots whipped you. That's going to happen to a lot of teams this year. Dallas will probably still go to the Super Bowl because the NFC is pathetic. Not just the NFC East, but the whole conference is weak.

- Who would you rather have as your QB, Vinny Testaverde or Tim Rattay? I'll get back to you on that one.

Back with more later.

Alvis out.

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