Saturday, August 8, 2009

Boxing Returns to Lynchburg: Interview with Scott Sigmon

Boxing returns to the Hill City on Saturday August 29th to the Lynchburg City Armory. I recently had the chance to talk to Scott "Cujo" Sigmon, who will be headlining the card in Lynchburg. Tickets are going fast and can still be purchased by going to the Jamerson Y or Buffalo Wild Wings in Lynchburg. For more information about the card, visit Major League Boxing

Bob Alvis: First off thank you for your time today. You are a graduate of Staunton River High School, I don't know a lot of former Golden Eagles who have gotten into boxing. What led you to get into boxing?

Scott Sigmon: As a kid, I always wanted to be a superhero. In boxing, you can will yourself to victory and inspire people, much like a superhero.

BA: When you had the fight card in April in Lynchburg, what type of results were you expecting crowd wise, and did the crowd lead you to believe that you could have future success in Lynchburg with boxing?

SS: We brought in over a thousand people. For the first time in 27 years, that was not bad. I believe we will probably be in Lynchburg quarterly now.

BA: Okay, now let's get back to boxing. Take me through your training. What's your daily training schedule when you have a fight that's on the books and what's the training schedule for you, when you don't have a fight set up on the schedule.

SS: I stay in shape year round, you never know when a fight might pop up. When I have one scheduled I start 8 weeks out. The schedule is as follows:
Monday: 5 mile run, 500 sit-ups, 12 rounds jump rope, 12 rounds target mitts, 12 rounds heavy bag
Tuesday: 5 mile run, 500 sit-ups, 12 rounds circuit on weights
Wednesday: Repeat Monday
Thursday: Repeat Tuesday
Friday: 500 sit-ups, spar 20 rounds

BA: Your record is 6-1 right now, how hard is it to make a name for yourself and what are some of the things you have learned from fight one to where you are at now?

SS: You know, the politics in boxing are hard to get around so I just fight the best guys that will fight me. So far all but 1 of my opponents have had winning records. The thing I have learned since fight one, is a huge set of skills defensively. Even though I am extremely aggressive, the defense helps me land more clean shots.

BA: I am a huge boxing fan, but it doesn't seem like there are a ton of hardcore boxing fans nowadays. Why do you think that is? Is there anything that can be done to add more boxing fans?

SS: One thing that will add more boxing fans is a huge personality with an exciting fight style. (Muhammad) Ali, (Joe) Frazier, Sugar Ray (Leonard) , (Marvin) Hagler, (Thomas) Hearns, (Mike) Tyson. But do not worry I have arrived! Second, boxing needs to only have one champ per weight class. Third, boxing needs to get back on regular TV or some mainstream network. Fourth, boxing needs to get back in sports bars. They charge the bars like $ 3,000 to show the fights,that is ludicrous!. Finally, more youth need to get involved with boxing. They will have a respect for the sport,and it will help the sport's future in addition to the participant.

BA: Final question (for now, as we hope to be talking to you lots more in the future), tell me about the card and what people will get to see if they come out to the Armory on the 29th.

SS: There are always lots of punches in my fights. It is up to my opponent on how long it lasts.

Reminder, you can get your tickets at Buffalo Wild Wings or the Jamerson YMCA for boxing's return to Lynchburg on August 29th. For more information, visit Major League Boxing.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Boxing Fans in Lynchburg

If you are a boxing fan and you want to get your tickets when boxing returns to the Lynchburg Armory on August 29th. Go to Major League Boxing for all the details and get all the info. Front Row tickets and floor seats are sold out and general admission is going fast. Don't miss it when boxing returns to Lynchburg on August 29th at Lynchburg City Armory.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Trade Deadline: Winners, Losers & Awards

The non-waiver deadline has come and gone. I know everybody is reading this wondering, "What did Bob Alvis think of the trade deadline?" Well, you are going to get your answer.

- The Toronto Blue Jays to put it kindly screwed up. They were thinking of dealing Roy Halladay before the trade deadline. They did not deal him. They are not going to get the proper value back for Halladay in the offseason. If they really wanted to get some equal value, they should have dealt him to the Phillies, or maybe explored some other options (like trying the Angels or Dodgers). To boot, the Blue Jays shed no salary and received no prospects. They did acquire Edwin Encarnacion (and some prospects) for Scott Rolen. If I was J.P. Ricciardi, I would actually lower the price for Halladay a little bit, if someone would take Vernon Wells along with him. Vernon Wells has a very backloaded contract and if someone would take him off Toronto's hands, they should be eternally grateful for that part of it. If the Blue Jays were to revisit this option in the offseason, I think the Blue Jays should look at the Rangers, Angels, Mets and others as options.

- I thought the San Francisco Giants could have put themselves in very strong contention if they could have picked up a bat. I don't count Freddy Sanchez as the bat needed. I thought they needed a little bit more of a power bat. I know they had talked about someone at 3B, I thought Scott Rolen would have been a very good addition for them, but they did not acquire this bat. There is still a chance that they could pick up a bat in the month before the waiver trade deadline approaches, but I don't know where they could pick up a strong hitting 3B.

- Being a Yankees fan, I was hoping they'd be able to pick up a starting pitcher who could chew up some innings (specifically Aaron Harang from the Reds) but they did not. They did acquire Jerry Hairston Jr. from the Reds, but I really don't know how that helps the Yankees. He's a super utility player that can play any position but they have Eric Hinske. Hinske can play 1B, 3B, RF. The Bronx Bombers only gave up a minor league catcher, but I just feel they gave up something for someone they didn't need.

More on my trade deadline thoughts later, but check out Trade Scorecard and if you are an Insider you can read more from Keith Law.

The Trade Deadline

Is today's MLB Trade Deadline real or artificial? Today, is the non-waiver deadline day that deals must be completed. Deals can still be completed before August 31st and make the player eligible to qualify for the postseason. But, with the economic state of today's games, lots of players may be able to slide through waivers and still get traded.

My predictions for today
Roy Halladay will NOT get traded. This is the Blue Jays fault and theirs alone. The price tag is way too high. You could have gotten more for Halladay now then you can in the offseason and I don't see them keeping Halladay when he has already said he is going to declare for free agency.

Orlando Cabrera to the Twins. I have heard too many rumors on this for not to come true. I think anyone on Oakland's team (especially the veterans are available for deal).

The Yankees will acquire a starting pitcher. With an alleged innings limit on Joba Chamberlain, the Yankees must add a starter. I would prefer to see it be Aaron Harang, but his price tag is quite high at 12.5 million for next year.

BREAKING NEWS: As I type this, Jarrod Washburn has been traded to the Detroit Tigers for Luke French and Mauricio Robles.

The Mets should conduct a fire sale to a degree. If anyone wants Gary Sheffield, deal him. Delgado (don't think anyone would want him), deal him. Billy Wagner, deal him. Obviously I don't think you deal David Wright or Johan Santana, but I'd almost listen to offers for ANYONE else.

Be back throughout the day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meet a Member of "The Sports Buffet Podcast" team: Introducing the Knucklehead

A goal of mine when starting up The Sports Buffet was to have other voices then mine, whether it be throught podcasted interviews (which should be starting again very soon) or whether it be through the blogs. One of our fine bloggers, who is never at a loss for words (whether on paper or out of his mouth), is the Knucklehead. In an attempt for you to get to know the team of "The Sports Buffet Podcast", I will be doing interviews with the members of our team so you can get to know them better. Here is a recent chat I had with the Knucklehead.

Bob Alvis: Tell us a little bit about yourself, and where your love of sports came from and how it developed.

Knucklehead: I grew up in San Diego California with lots of professional sports all around. My dad was a HUGE sports fan and we spent much of my time growing up at Jack Murphy Stadium (Now silly Qualcom Park). We saw tons of Padres and Chargers games there as well as many pro soccer games. As I grew older, my love for sports became even more than my dads and expanded to include college basketball upon moving to North Carolina at age 11.

BA: The title of your blog, Sports from the DOME, what led you to that title and what will readers get reading Sports from the DOME?

KH: The Sports from the dome title has two meanings actually. I am proudly bald as can be thus that version of the dome. Also, sporting events are often held in domes, so there is the other. You can expect lots of varitry from the blog, and maybe a little of opinion too. OK, who am I kidding, I am extremely opinionated and different, and you will pick that out right away.

BA: Time for a few quick takes going on in the world of sports. I'll throw out a topic and you give me your take, yay or nay style. Michael Vick being reinstated to the NFL?

KH: YAY - Look the man has served the time for the crime. Truly he served more than someone with less notoriety would have. So, let's move on. If some team wants him, then more power to them. We have an NFL full of repeat offenders for much worse crimes to other people, so he deserves a chance. Now, ask me if I think he is worth anything as an NFL QB, and you'll get a totally different answer (can you say WR?). By the way, I say re-instate Pete Rose too.

BA: A College football playoff. Yay or Nay?

KH: Did you say quick hit? WOW! look I say yay, but I think it will never happen for greedy money reasons. I am actually for a 8 team playoff that ties in with the current BCS. Otherwise this topic is too long for a quick hit.

BA: Winning team in the Major League Baseball All Star Game being awarded home field advantage, yay or nay?

KH: NAY - I think it should be in the hands of the contending teams themselves not the whole league. EARN IT. I liked the way it was, and think they tried too hard to manufacture All-star excitement. It's also silly to let one meaningless game decide an important facet of a best of 7 game series.

BA: Expanding the men's NCAA basketball tournament. Yay or Nay?

KH: In a word - NO! Look, all the extra tourneys are already a joke. They don't fave anywhere near the draw or excitement of the field of 65. Why fix what ain't broke? The teams know what it takes to get in, and have consolation tourneys if they don't. The only thing I say is to add 3 more play in games so there is one for each region. That's it.

BA: Will Soccer ever be a major sport in the United States? Yay or Nay?

KH: Nay - Every country where Soccer (futbol) is a mojor sport doesn't have the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL stealing all the best athletes first. Unfortunately US Soccer will always be to European soccer what Canadian Football is to the NFL. That is, a cheap imitation at best.

Now, "One on One with Bob Alvis" was always a favorite on "Talking High School Sports" and on "The Sports Buffet". Now, we bring the sports version of "One on One with Bob Alvis", 11 sports questions for the Knucklehead.

BA: Your ONE die hard sports team?

KH: The San Diego Super Chargers. My favorite sport, my favorite team.

BA: Your 1st Sports Memory as a Kid?

KH: OK, you’ve confused me. (BA Comment: Knucklehead lives in the state of confusion)Surprise! My first sports memory is of me playing soccer in the rain at age 4 or so with my thick Buddy Holly glasses almost completely obscured. My first sporting event memory is from a San Diego Padres game in the mid 70’s. I was probably around 6 or 7. The Padres played the Pittsburgh Pirates (with those ugly shaped hats they had) and Mr. Curly Randy Jones was on the hill for the Padres. I remember the game going 14 innings, but I can’t remember for sure who won. I remember it happily though so I’m sure the Pads won. My mom tells me we went another time when I was younger to a double header where both games went extras (14 and 13 innings). My dad never left a game early, so we stayed for both.

BA: Your 1st game you ever attended.

KH: OK, first off thanks for making me feel really old. I have been to so many games over my life that I can’t seem to remember what the first one was. I would be pretty sure it was a Padres game.

BA: If you could attend one specific event in the past, what event would you attend (like a specific game, event) and why?

KH: Easy, the Epic in Miami playoff game from January of 1982 between The Dolphins and the Chargers. I have watched the NFL films show on the game many times. What an amazing game. It was very competitive and had lots of out of the ordinary happenings. Kellen Winslow’s performance alone, makes it my obvious pick. The Chargers coming out on top after the marathon game helps too.

BA: If you could attend any sports event what would you attend and why?

KH: I immediately thought about the Super Bowl. But with the advent of HDTV, I think I’d rather watch that from home. So, I think I’d say the World Cup. It is an event I’d like to take in the whole experience, the games and the whole atmosphere.

BA: You can go to dinner with any 3 athletes past or present, who's eating with you?

KH: Tony Gwynn is definitely there as my favorite MLB player of all time. Dan Fouts is there as well since he is etched in my childhood mind as the greatest QB I ever saw in person. The third one is hard, but I’d have to say Gayle Sayers. He just seemed like a great guy, and man what an amazing athlete. I still say he might one of the best Running Backs ever. He only played 68 games and yet he’s in the hall of fame. Boy what a dinner that would be.

BA: Who are the 4 people that you would put on your Sports Mount Rushmore and Why?

KH: WOW! This might just be the most difficult question of all time. Let’s see what I can distill out of the many names that come to mind. I’ll go with one from each of the 4 major sports. I am not a Hockey fan, and even I’m smart enough to say Wayne Gretzky. The guy was amazing enough to make me watch. He was so ridiculously dominant, it was unreal. Next I’d have Hank Aaron. The man just played ball and played it at a high level for long enough to eclipse the sports highest record for a long time (I think he should still hold it). Now it’s time for some sweetness. Walter Payton still lives in my memory as the best running back I’ve ever watched. There are a bunch of great ones right up there with him, but I have to give him the edge again because of his dominance. I’m no NBA guy. Read my blog and you’ll see that. I’ve gone back and forth between Larry Bird and Michael Jordan and my Carolina ties helped Air Jordan win out.

BA: Who are 4 Sportscasters that you would put on your Sports Mount Rushmore and Why?

KH: Billy Packer, Dick Vitale, Marv Albert, and Bryant Gumbel. What’s that? Oops sorry, I thought you said Mt. Trashmore. (BA's Comment: Knuckleheads Views are his and his alone and are not endorsed by "The Sports Buffet Podcast." Please don't deny us for an interview Mr. Packer, Mr.Vitale, Mr.Albert or Mr.Gumbel) Let’s try again. I’d have to have Jack Buck on there. I spent many a late night as a teen in North Carolina listening to him call Card’s games on Clear Channel AM waves. Then I would have 2 other classic voices that cut through my memories: Harry Kalas who I especially remember from hours of NFL Films footage, and Mel Allen whose This Week in Baseball was a Saturday morning staple for me for years. Then I would have to cap it off with Al Michaels. I just love the way he calls games and always have.

BA: If you had to send your son/daughter to play a sport and anyone could coach them, who would you want coaching them (Top 3)?

KH: I’ve never really thought about this one. Let’s go with: 1. College Basketball, Dean Smith, 2. College Football – Mark Richt, and 3. NFL – Joe Gibbs

BA: If you had ultimate power and could change any rule in sports what rule would you change?

KH: This is going to sound crazy, but I would say none. Nothing really stands out to me as a horrible rule. I mean there are quite a few rules that I think are unnecessary, but none that rise to the level that they must go. I watch the games for the excitement, the emotion, and the competition. If you put a gun to my head, I’d say the tuck rule in the NFL. It makes no sense, and is way too easy to mess up.

BA. Stuck on a desert island and you get to take 3 DVDs of anything related to sports, whether it is a game, event, movie, whatever. What do you take?

KH: I would need to have Hoosiers and Rudy right off the bat. And it’s really convenient since I already own both DVDs. I would then like a DVD of the best Chargers Games of all time. Want to buy that one for me?

Read the Knucklehead's rants and more with his sports blog. Sports From The Dome.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Thoughts

- A few weeks ago I had asked people for memories on Steve McNair. Super sports fan, Brian Freeland responded with this

"I think of Alcorn State and how the entire nation seemed to doubt whether he would be successful in the NFL. It was like his college accomplishments didn't mean anything unless he proved to be successful in the NFL. Well, he was successful and he did it in different style offenses that didn't throw the ball as much as he did in college. I think that is even more impressive as he proved to be versatile."

"He led by example and demonstrated courage and toughness by playing injured consistently. My biggest memory will be seeing highlights of him in college and having people compare him to the Heisman hopefuls during the same year."

The McNair saga ended tragically but he should be remembered for the man he was on and off the field because he was a heck of a football player.

- Another situation that ended tragically is the story of Arturo Gatti. Gatti, was at first believed to be murdered by his wife. Then, it was speculated that Gatti committed suicide. Gatti, will be remembered most for his trilogy with Micky Ward. Gatti, also did have some fights with big fighters in his career, when he fought Oscar De La Hoya and Floyd Mayweather Jr. I think Gatti was a great boxer and warrior in the ring. I think if Gatti had lived until his 60's, he would have had serious brain damage because he took so many blows to the head. However, for those classics with Micky Ward, those will be considered legendary and that is what made Gatti a legend.

- Chicago White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle, became the 5th man to pitch a perfect game and no-hitter in different instances, with his mastering of the Rays on Thursday. DeWayne Wise probably made one of the most sensational catches of all time if you look at the situation. Buehrle also did it in an economical 2 hours and 3 minutes.

- I visited Brett Favre at his house the other day. While I was at the Waffle House, I ordered a waffle as well. Now Favre is unsure whether he wants to play or not, so Adrian Peterson and Jared Allen are trying to talk him into coming and playing with the Vikings. If at this point, Brett Farve has to be persuaded to play for a team, I wouldn't want him. I think when Brett Farve stops playing football or stops being in the public eye, he will die because the cameras and attention of the nation won't be focused on him as it is now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thoughts on Current Happenings in the World of Sports

- Whatever you are doing right now, stop. Stand up and give a round of applause to Tom Watson. For the 59 year old to be right there and have the Claret Jug in his grasp on the 72nd hole of the British Open is amazing. Watson tabbed it right when he said "Would've been a hell of a story." But, I don't think Watson should be looked at as a choker or anything else. I told my friend and huge golf fan, Kyle Hoehne, on Saturday that I had two concerns for Sunday's final round. One, I was afraid someone a few shots off was going to go low. Second, I didn't want it going to a playoff. The more golf holes you have, the better chance of something bad happening. Unfortunately, I was right on both accounts. Also, how about a little credit to Stewart Cink. Cink, a very good player, I think won the major just as much as Watson lost it. If Watson plays in the PGA Championship, he will need an invitation from the tournament organizers. For more on this check out several blogs including The Sports Buffet Podcast's own bloggers, Scott Wilson and K.C. Spiron.

Gene Wojciechowski's Take on Tom Watson
John Feinstein's Take on Tom Watson
Scott Wilson's Take on Tom Watson
K.C. Spiron's Take on Tom Watson

- I don't think Roy Halladay is going to be traded. I think the price tag is way too high. I think the price tag will come down in the off-season and I think he will be dealt to a team in the AL or NL West. Phillies, maybe an outside shot. I don't think the Yankees are likely. I'd also put the Mets, Red Sox, White Sox and Cardinals in the discussion. The problem is if you are going to trade for him now, you will have to give up two major league ready prospects, a high double A prospect and a mid range single A prospect. I think if you wait until the offseason, you may only have to deal one major league prospect, a triple A prospect and a single A prospect. Mike Francessa was discussing the issue of Halladay to the Yankees on his show the other day on WFAN and YES. Francessa, a Yankees fan, didn't want the Yankees to add Halladay because essentially they have enough talent already and he thought if they got Halladay, then it's just too unfair. I disagree with that premise, I just don't want to give up the prospects.

- Miguel Cotto and Manny Pacquiao became a finalized deal this past week. The fight is set for November 14th. Sweet science fans are going to get two real treats this fall (if you want to pay for them) between Cotto and the Pac Man, and the September tilt between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Juan Manuel Marquez. Also, Showtime is having a mini Super Middleweight tournament. Lots to be excited about if you are a boxing fan. So, only a few of us are.

- Ed O' Bannon is suing the NCAA for the NCAA using the likeness and images of players once they leave school without reimbursement. I think this is a good move by O'Bannon. However, I don't think he's going to win. I used to come down on the side of don't pay athletes, but I think I am changing my tune. It's impossible for athletes to hold jobs during the season and they really have no source of revenue during that time. I know people are going to say they are getting a free education, and I think that is a great gift for those who are on full scholarship. However, with the way the NCAA pimps out most of these athletes (look at jerseys with numbers on them of a certain school) and for the player essentially not to receive anything off of it. I think is wrong. Either the NCAA needs to stop pimping these kids or they need to look at a monetary compensation program for some of these athletes.

- Roger Goddell is going to have a decision to make. Should Michael Vick be reinstated? I think what he did was disgusting, reprehensible and an inhumane act. However, he has served the punishment that was assigned to him by the legal system, so he should be reinstated. I somewhat think it's sad that we have started to value an animal's life over a human's life in society. I mean, I feel bad for all the dogs that were wrongfully sent to their death in Vick's dogfighting ring, but how many non sports fans are familiar with what Donte' Stallworth and Leonard Little have done in their past and their respective punishment? Not many.

- On a final note, something happened to me last night that had never happened to me before. I caught a foul ball at a baseball game. I was a guest of Dave Hoehne and WKDE Radio in their skybox last night. Dave and I were the only two sitting outside of the glassed area of the skybox. A foul ball was hit by a Potomac Nationals batter and somehow made it through the net and the top of the building (essentially an awning) and the ball struck the glass and bounced down and landed in front of me. I picked it up and became the proud owner of an official Carolina League baseball. I have attended many baseball games in my life, all the way from youth to the Major League game, and I have never got a foul ball. Last night was my moment.

That's all for now. But before I bid you farewell, check out my appearance on Community Corner with Jay Daniels.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Can the Old Guy do it?

Two months away from most people 60th birthday, they are looking forward to spending time with the grandchildren, or looking forward to ending their work career and heading into a life of retirement. Yea, Tom Watson is only 18 holes away from winning the British Open: a golf major. How's that for an early 60th birthday?

But the question, is can he do it? Can the 59 year old Watson capture his 9th major? Mike Tirico said when ABC flashed up the most majors graphics today, that we were expecting another guy to add to his majors (Tiger Woods), but instead it's going to be Tom Watson in the quest for his 9th major. I think if Watson is able to win the British Open, it goes up there in the greatest stories of the history of sports. I'd put it right up there with the Miracle on Ice, and other great sporting events of the past.

Can Watson do it though? If I had to bet, I am going to bet no. I would love to see the 59 year old capture the Claret jug. However, I just have the fear for Tom, that someone is going to go low tomorrow and that a 70, 71 or 72 is just not going be enough to win. I am rooting for Tom Watson, but I look for Ross Fisher to win.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thoughts from the Sports World on Friday 7-17

- When I heard the alarm clock this morning at 9:55 A.M. this morning, I thought two things. Number one, it was time to go back to work. Number two, Tom Watson's run is over. Watson birdied hole number 1, but then bogeyed 5 of the next 6. I thought Watson's run was over. However, two long putts on 16 & 18, put Watson in the final group on Saturday with Steve Marino. Last year, it was Greg Norman, this year it's Tom Watson. Is the British Open now becoming the fountain of youth? Next year, I am taking Sir Nick Faldo to be the man who visits the fountain of youth.

It's definitely going to be odd to not see Tiger Woods around for the weekend. Woods missed the cut at a major for only the second time as a professional. No Woods, no Mickelson, no problem for ABC's coverage on Saturday and Sunday as long as the 59 year old Tom Watson can stay towards the top of the leaderboard, ABC will be okay. Will it be as good as it would be if Tiger was there, probably not? But, ABC won't have the disaster that NBC had with the U.S. Open.

Will the leaderboard look different after Saturday's round with more harsh weather on the way?

More news surfaces in the murder of former Titans and Ravens quarterback, Steve McNair. Apparently the gun that was sold to McNair's girlfriend was bought illegally from a convicted felon.

In other unfortunate news of someone who was slain by a lover, Arturo Gatti's wife is claiming she is innocent. The Gatti-Ward trilogy was replayed tonight on HBO, and will be reshown tomorrow morning on HBO 2. Dan Rafael wrote a very good tribute piece to Gatti on

Anything strike your fancy from the sports world? Leave it in a comment, or e-mail me at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Boxing in the 'Burg

With "The Sports Buffet Podcast" set to return next month, I am excited to announce that we will hopefully be covering next month's boxing in Lynchburg. To check out info on it go to the website of Major League Boxing

More to come on this exciting event at the Lynchburg Armory on August 29th.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Homes before July 31st for these guys?

The Sporting News recently listed 5 position players and 5 pitchers that could be on the move before the July 31st non waiver trade deadline. My thoughts on these players and if they will be wearing new uniforms or if they will stay with their same duds.

Matt Holliday-Oakland A's
Possibilities: Mets, Cardinals, Yankees, Red Sox, Giants
Holliday, without a doubt is the bright star of the 2009 rumor mill. Numerous teams could be interested in Holliday (Yankees, Red Sox, Mets, I have heard Giants as well), but I think the obvious team that would want Holliday would be the St. Louis Cardinals. No offense to Mark Derosa, Kahili Greene, Ryan Ludwick or Rick Ankiel, but none of those guys are what I'd call great protection for Pujols. I think if they could pick up Holliday, you could almost pencil in a NLCS match up of the Dodgers and Cardinals.
My pick: He goes to St. Louis

Jeff Francoeur-Atlanta Braves
Possibilities: Royals, I don't know who else
I don't think Francoeur moves. I don't know that Frank Wren really gets it. He has made no good moves this season, and I don't think trading Francoeur is a good move (which means Wren might do it). If you trade Francoeur, you are going to probably be giving up a young player for another young player. Do you trade someone that's in the major league and that's already performed at that level. The biggest knock on Francoeur is plate discipline, and that he chases a lot of pitches, but Alfonso Soriano swings at a lot of pitches outside the strike zone, and it has worked for him (up until this season). My point is I don't think he leaves Atlanta.
My pick: Stays at Turner Field.

Aubrey Huff-Baltimore Orioles
Possibilities: Reds, Blue Jays, Red Sox , Rays
Aubrey Huff is not a guy that is going to be sought after for his defense. That being said, it's probably going to take a team that either needs his bat at either 1B or as a Designated Hitter. The other scenario is taking a guy to bring off the bench. With that being said, I see Boston as a possible destination. The Red Sox three big bench guys are Nick Green, Mark Kotsay and Rocco Baldelli. Baldelli is a right handed hitter, Kotsay bats left, and Green bats right. Baldelli and Kotsay have more pop then Green does. But, the other question is how many guys can you say you would have Huff pinch hit for? Depending on how much longer Mike Lowell is going to be out for, you can say Huff could play 1st rather then Kotsay. I guess a return to Tampa Bay could also be in the cards, but with the chemistry they have right now, I'd pass. If he goes anywhere, my pick is Boston. The only reason I list the Reds are they are Huff's hometown team (he is from Marion, Ohio, which is near Columbus, but you know the other Ohio team has no interest in Huff since Cleveland will probably be sellers.)

Nick Johnson-Washington Nationals
Possibilities: Mariners, Dodgers, Angels, Mets
Seattle is intriguing to me. Johnson's numbers are not near as good as Russell Branyon's (the Mariners current 1B), average wise, Johnson is slightly better, power wise Branyon has 20 HR's to Johnson's 5. But, Branyon can play other positions (he could last time I checked, he has spent time at 3B and in the outfield). With Johnson in Seattle, you could put Branyon in left or at 3B, since the M's have a hole there right now without Adrian Beltre. You could also have Branyon spell Griffey at DH every now and again. Griffey is only hitting .210. You could flip flop 1B and trade Johnson for the Dodgers' James Loney, but considering Loney's name has been mentioned in packages for much bigger fish in the past, I don't see that happening. You also have the Larry Bowa factor (he is Johnson's uncle) and Johnson has played for Torre in the past. Also, the Mets should be considered a possibility. It's not like they have anything better at 1B.

Mark Teahen-Kansas City Royals
Possibilities: Red Sox, Angels, Dodgers, Mariners, Cardinals, Mets
Teahen could be a very valuable utility player for a team. He has experience at 3B, 2B and the outfield. If the Mariners are going to be buyers, then I think they have to be considered a candidate since they have just lost Adrian Beltre to injury. If the Mets still think they have a shot at anything, then they need to improve their defense. Right now, you could see better defense at an Alvis family picnic then you can in the infield and outfield at Citi Field. The Cardinals having just acquired Mark Derosa may not be interested, but can you really have too many people that can play multiple positions? If Mike Lowell is going to be out for an extended period of time, you could make a case for Teahen to the Red Sox, although some people say Youkilis is better at 3rd. I think Mark Teahen should be highly sought after for a contending team (even though he has never played for one in Kansas City)

Jarrod Washburn-Seattle Mariners
Possibilities: Brewers, White Sox, Cubs, Cardinals
Are the Mariners sellers? If they are not, then Washburn probably doesn't leave. However, if they do deal him, or fellow lefty Erik Bedard, then throw in all those teams as possibilites, and probably some teams I haven't listed. I think Washburn would be a good acquistion for Milwaukee. Granted, he is not C.C. Sabathia, but on the other side of the coin, you are not going to have to give up the quality or quantity of prospects you gave up to get C.C. either. Washburn could also maybe help out the Cubs or White Sox. I also believe the Cardinals need to acquire one more pitcher, preferably a front of the rotation guy.

Doug Davis-Arizona Diamondbacks
Possibilities: St.Louis, LA Angels, NY Mets, NY Yankees, Phillies
It's a shame that for a guy with an ERA of 3.13, Davis has 8 losses and only 4 wins to his credit. I don't know that he is a front of the rotation guy, but I still think he'd be a good acquistion for the Cardinals. Davis is from southern California, which is why I threw the Angels on the list. The Mets need all the help they can get, but I think it is becoming too late for them (however with the way the Phillies are playing, the Mets can stay in it due to that). The Diamondbacks are way down in the NL West, 18 1/2 out to be exact, and the only team they are better then in the National League record wise are the Nationals, so I see no reason to keep Davis. If I had to make a pick, I am going to say Davis goes to St. Louis.

George Sherrill-Baltimore Orioles
Possibilities: The Whole League
Every one needs a lefty in the bullpen, I don't know that Sherrill could go somewhere else and close (there are a few possibilties) but I think the better idea would be to trade Danys Baez. Baez also has some closing experience and has pitched for teams who have gone to the playoffs. Baez is also a right-hander though, which may take some luster off of Baez as opposed to Sherrill. If Brad Lidge is going to continue to struggle, I don't think that the Phillies would be a bad option. Also, I had heard the Astros may be looking to trade Jose Valverde. If the Astros got rid of Valverde, I don't think they'd be silly to deal for Sherrill, because he is cheaper by about 5.5 million dollars. Believe it or not though, Sherill is a year older then Valverde.

Cla Meredith- San Diego Padres
Possibilities: Mariners, Tigers, Yankees, Phillies, Whole League
You can never have too many submarine relievers. Meredith is probably a short term guy, an inning, two tops. Meredith is a side armer and could be a good bridge to a solid closer, or could be a good bridge to your real set up guy. Once again, like the Diamondbacks, the Padres aren't going anywhere. It's probably a good idea to deal, so I am going to assign Cla Meredith to..... the Chicago White Sox.

Brad Penny-St. Louis Cardinals
Possibilities: Rangers, Cardinals, Phillies, Mets
The Red Sox are probably not going to deal Penny, so this is probably just worthless typing on my point. If John Smoltz and Dice-K were solid right now, I'd say there would be a chance but Penny has just been pitching too good for the Red Sox. I am going to say Penny remains a Red Sox and we all live happily ever after.

ESPN Insider is a great place to read up on the rumors and such, and it's just a good website in general, you can check it out at by visiting the website of the Worldwide Leader

More on Steve McNair

More is coming in from Nashville on the death of former Tennessee Titans QB, Steve McNair. The woman found dead with McNair was 20 year old Sahel Kazemi. The Nashville police department is currently not searching for any suspects, which is leading many to suspect it could have been a murder-suicide. The Tennessean has excellent and extensive coverage, which you should check out for more details.

Reaction has come in from the readers of the blog of "Bob Alvis Talks Sports".

Rich Glover
When I think of Steve McNair, I think of a tremendous leader. From what I've heard he was a great leader in the locker room and many players looked up to him and admired the way he played the game. He always played the game with tremendous passion and toughness, which probably resulted in the many injuries that he obtained throughout his career. Although he wasn't my favorite player, I had lots of respect for McNair because he played the game just as hard as anyone and he showed great amounts of toughness and leadership.

The one memory that stands out just like for most people, was when he took the Titans to the Super Bowl against the Rams. That was one of the greatest Super Bowls ever played with one of the most exciting finishes ever.

Will Stafford
When I think Steve McNair, I think of someone who always put the team first. He never looked out for himself, as he always put the team first. McNair was probably one of the few that didn't play the game for the money, he played it because he loved the game. McNair was also a family man. Often times McNair would bring his sons to the practice facility with him. He called them "my greatest accomplishment"

My big Steve McNair memory is the Super Bowl vs. the Rams. Kurt Warner & Steve McNair, two of the most talented and, just all around good guys, going to for the trophy.
RIP Steve, You will be missed.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

An Untimely Passing

I am an ESPN/ESPN News hawk. However, I had just come in from a Saturday mowing of the front yard when I checked my Facebook (I am a Facebook hawk too) and saw Will Stafford's status update which read, "Steve McNair murdered in Nashville." I was floored. Granted, I hadn't thought of Steve McNair in a while, but you don't expect 36 year old former professional athletes to be murdered.

While police haven't released the details of McNair's death (and the unidentified woman also found dead), it's definitely a sad situation. 99 times out of 100 when a life is lost, it's sad. McNair, a former MVP on the field, was also a MVP off the field. He was very active in the Nashville community, and also helped with relief efforts during Hurricane Katrina.

McNair came within a Mike Jones tackle of a possible overtime in Super Bowl XXXIV. I think McNair should go down as one of the more underrated quarterbacks in NFL history. McNair was mobile before mobile became real cool (if it's cool now). He wasn't the passer that Steve Young was, and probably wasn't the rusher/scrambler that Donovan McNabb is. However, McNair was equally slick with his arm and feet. McNair threw 174 touchdowns and rushed for another 39. McNair shared the 2003 NFL MVP award with Peyton Manning.

If somebody said to me "What will you remember most about Steve McNair?" I would say tough. Lots of times McNair may not have practiced during the week, but he was there on Sunday ready to go. McNair may have been banged up, knicked up and everything else, but he was there on Sunday. When I think of McNair, I think of a football player who was tough as nails, and ready to go on Sunday.

God Bless the McNair family. More to come on this blog about Steve McNair.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thoughts on Wimbledon

As I sit here and watch Roger Federer and Tommy Haas tangle in a men's semifinal at the All England Club, I thought I would give my reflections on Wimbledon.

I am a Majors tennis fan. I can't watch the Lipton Invitational or anything like that, but I can watch the Majors (Australian, French, Wimbledon and the US Open). However, I kind of feel the way about tennis the way I do about soccer, it's hard for me to watch bad tennis or bad soccer. I totally enjoyed last year's Wimbledon final between Nadal and Federer, but it's hard for me to watch (like it probably is for most) Federer play a first round match against an unseeded player, and the result ends up being Federer 6-0, 6-0, 6-1.

As I sit here, Federer trails Haas 3-2 in the first set. I am definitely pulling for Federer in this match, however I am torn to who I am pulling for between Andy Roddick and Andy Murray. Breakfast at Wimbledon would be, I don't know if rabid is the right word, but electric for sure if Federer was tangling with the native, Murray. However, I do know that I don't want to see Roddick, the American, win for one reason and one reason only. Roddick is more entertaining in his press conferences when he takes a loss. Therefore, I am pulling for Roddick to be eliminated at some point.

Chris Evert is right on the money on one thing about the women's game. The grunting is not necessary. Does grunting make you hit the ball harder? I mean, does it really travel at a higher rate of speed and velocity when you grunt? I am not a big tennis player so I wouldn't know, but in my shooting of the roundball, I know if I scream that my shot contains no more arc on it then if I don't scream.

My predictions are Federer over Haas in 4 (Haas leads in the first set 4-3 as I type). I also like 4 for Murray and Roddick with Murray being the victor. Sunday, I will take Federer in 5. Tomorrow, I like Williams to win the women's final (I'll take Serena in straight sets.)

Let me hear your thoughts on the happenings at this year's All England Club.

The Return of "The Sports Buffet Podcast"

The target date has been set. "The Sports Buffet Podcast" has set the target date for the podcast portion of "The Sports Buffet" to relaunch on Monday August 3rd. The features that I mentioned in a previous post on October 24th, 2008 are still the features that you will be hearing on "The Sports Buffet Podcast".

Until then, I will be updating my blogs on a regular basis. I have three blogs, one relating to high school sports, one dealing with the general sports world (non high school sports) and one that just deals with the general world and my thoughts as a whole. Also, if you are a Facebooker, you can type in The Sports Buffet Podcast in the search box in the top right and become a fan of the podcast.

I want thoughts and suggestions from you on what you want to hear! E-Mail me at or leave me a message or post on Facebook. If you haven't contacted me and volunteered to help with "The Sports Buffet" whether it be as a reporter or blogger, you can offer your services to me there as well.

Look forward to serving you up some good things on "The Sports Buffet". Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates that will be coming to "The Sports Buffet".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Updates on "The Sports Buffet"

Just a few updates on "The Sports Buffet Podcast", the page should be seeing some major updates in the next week or two. Hopefully, there will be new blogs, and the page will be updated on hopefully a more daily basis. The podcasts part of the page however will probably not be consistently updated until August. Features that will be on the website (eventually) will include (but not be limited to)

* High School Sports
* College Sports
* Professional Sports
* Podcasts
* Blogs
* Links
* Historical Info on High School and College Sports
* Schedules
* Standings
and much more.

Stay tuned to "The Sports Buffet Podcast" to fill your sports hunger.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Who wants T.O?

Terrell Owens is a disruptive teammate, I have no issue with that. However, I can't believe that only two NFL teams (according to the Mortensen Polling Group) are interested. Supposedly, those two teams are the Raiders and Titans. I don't believe that. I could probably list half a dozen teams in addition to the Titans and Raiders that would take Terrell Owens. People say that Owens is a cancer, he is devisive in the locker room, and so on and so forth. But, he is not Brandon Marshall, he is not Plaxico Burress, he is not a guy who gets in domestic incidents or trouble off the field like that. Is he an idiot? Probably so, but I think between the lines, you can count on Owens. If you want Owens to be a team leader, then you need to look elsewhere.

Six other teams that could take Owens aside from the Titans and Raiders.

1. Washington Redskins: Dan Snyder has a thing for names and stars, and he hasn't signed one on the offensive end in a long time. Plus, he'd send Santana Moss into the spot where he belongs, the number 2 reciever.

2. Chicago Bears: Your starting recievers are Rashied Davis and Devin Hester. Do I really need to go on?

3. Jacksonville Jaguars: Mike Tice, an assistant with the Jaguars, had to deal with Randy Moss. I don't think Moss and Owens are that different, so I think Owens could fit in Jacksonville.

Okay, so maybe I can only think of 3 other teams.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Thoughts

Time for some of my random thoughts from the world of sports (I promise I will try to start posting with regularity. Not necessarily random thoughts, but just more regularity with posting)

* The Colts released Marvin Harrison yesterday. I think this is more of a cost cutting move, rather then a performance move. Even with Harrison's recent legal troubles (or legal acquisitions), Marvin is still perceived as one of the good guy's in the NFL. I think Harrison will have several pads in which he could land on. I consider Philadelphia, Minnesota, Jacksonville, Chicago amongst the good landing spots. But, there are a lot of teams that could use Marvin Harrison's skills, expertise and leadership.

* One of my biggest pet peeves in sports is getting ready to take place in the NBA. It really burns me to no end (and a lot of people would ask why for two reasons; 1) It's the NBA and 2) Why is Alvis getting so worked up over such a trivial matter) but not to the point where I lose sleep over it, or I have a bad day or anything. Anyways, after that diatribe, the New York Knickerbockers have reached buy out terms with Stephon Marbury. I hate the fact that the buy out couldn't take place in the preseason or the first four months of the season. It just looks bad, I hate the fact that a team buys out a guy and then the next day, he is bought out and go signs somewhere else. If you get bought out, you should have to sit 30 days before being able to play with another team. I am not necessarily harboring ill will to the Knicks and Celtics (which is where Marbury is going to sign) but this is the most recent example.

* A signing in Major League Baseball that probably went under the radar, but I think could be one of the steals of the Hot Stove season is Garret Anderson to the Braves. Anderson, is a 15 year veteran, has spent his entire career in Anaheim/Los Angeles with the Angels. Anderson, lowest batting average for a season in which he has played over 100 games, is .280. For some guys, their highest batting average for a season in which they have played over 100 games is .280. I think the Braves have a consistent option that they can stick in either corner outfield position, and I honestly think at this point in time, Anderson is a better signing then Griffey Jr (although, I don't think Griffey Jr. is a bad signing).

That's all that's bouncing around my brain for now.

Good day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Randy Moller's Hockey Calls

Every now and again on the blog, I am just going to post links of places I think you should go to, to read, laugh, cry or be miserable. Check this out if you want to cry and laugh, because you may have tears from laughing.

I am not the biggest hockey fan in the world, but I was watching "First Take" this morning on ESPN 2, and Randy Moller (Voice of the Florida Panthers came on) with Dan LeBatard. Moller is definitely "unique" with his goal calls. Check them out

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A-Rod or A-Roid or A-Something Else?

A-Rod, Say it Ain’t So.

Should we be surprised that any of our “baseball heroes” aren’t so heroic these days. The Home Run King Jerk, Barry Bonds, was in line to be passed by Alex Rodriguez down the road, as long as A-Rod could stay healthy (Remember it was Ken Griffey Jr. that was originally going to pass Hank Aaron, but Junior hasn’t been a picture of perfect health since about 1998). Today, it was reported by Sports Illustrated that Rodriguez had used steroids in 2003. Granted, that was before they became “illegal” in baseball, and before you would be ratted out for a failed test. Supposedly 104 people were on that list, and one name gets leaked: Alex Rodriguez. Let’s examine this point by point.

Where are the other 103 names? If in 2003 steroids were illegal by the laws of the land, then they should be illegal in baseball. If they weren’t, then you still have to think of the consequences. Is this something I should put in my body? Is this the form of a drug? Is this something that could get me in trouble down the road? If the answers to any of those questions are “NO”, then you shouldn’t do it. But, I think if A-Rod’s name is divulged, then I want to see the other 103 names as well. One person shouldn’t be putting in front of the firing squad for this.

Rodriguez lied. There is no argument on that one. Rodriguez was asked by Katie Couric on “60 Minutes’, (Check out this for more from Rodriguez's "60 Minutes" appearence.)

Couric: "For the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance?"
Rodriguez: “No.”
Couric: "You never felt like, 'This guy's doing it, maybe I should look into this, too? He's getting better numbers, playing better ball,'"
Rodriguez: "I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I've always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level. So, no,"

Right there, the man lied, the public is much more forgiving if you are honest and forthcoming when you make a mistake. If Peter Edward Rose had admitted to the gambling immediately after he had done it, he would most likely be in the Hall of Fame today. Instead he waited more then 10 years to come clean. A-Rod has tarnished his reputation by being just another liar.

That Joe Torre book isn’t looking so bad right now. The least of A-Rod’s problems is the Joe Torre book, “The Yankee Years”. In there, Torre said Rodriguez was jealous of Jeter’s attention and was called A-Fraud by his teammates. Would you rather be known as A-Rod or A-Roid?

When the Yankees go on the road, A-Rod is going to see sings that say “A-Roid” among others, (I think if I was A-Rod, I’d almost rather see a sign that read “A-Hole”. Jeter, Posada and others are going to have to field these questions in spring training. It’s just another distraction for the Yankees (maybe people won’t notice now if Teixeira hits .230 in the first month or if Sabathia gives up 6 runs in an April start) and more importantly just another black eye for this great game.

Can someone find me Jose Canseco? I need a HONEST opinion on something, and right now he looks as honest as Abe Lincoln.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

MLB Free Agents: Where they should land?

You would have to think the economy is playing a big factor, in the fact that about 29 free agents of note are still unsigned and we are less then two weeks away from pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training. Here's a look at some of the guys who are still on the market and where I think they should land.

Ivan Rodriguez: Pudge is rapidly approaching the end of the line. Steroid speculation is going to hang over Rodriguez's head and his production has gone down like a shopper on the escalator at the mall.

Where I think he should land: Texas Rangers: Nobody is talking about them, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Pudge possibly have it end, where it all started. The Rangers have young catchers that are unproven and maybe Pudge can show them the way. I see a small deal for Pudge, 1 year in the neighborhood of 3-4 million.

2nd Basemen
Ray Durham: If Orlando Hudson is having a hard time finding a job, I can't imagine it's going to be any easier for Ray Durham. I think Durham's best shot may be to play the utility role and go to a young team as the mentor type.

Where I think he should land: Tampa Bay Rays: Rays have Pat Burrell, but after that not much in terms of a veteran presence. With that being said, I like Durham to be playing in Tampa.

Orlando Hudson: This one is kind of difficult, because I do think there are suitors for Hudson, just not at Hudson's desired price tag. I think Hudson and Adam Dunn are going to land in the same spot, and I give two choices as the best chances for that, Washington and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Where I think he should land: Washington Nationals: The Nationals need players to make the team interesting (granted Hudson can't pitch, which is what the Nationals need the most) but I like Hudson being a solid anchor to the Nats defense, as long as they want him. I think Hudson is a very underrated player and can help the Nats for quite a time. Also, I think it could help Hudson marketing wise, when the game is looking to promote it's players in the African American community.


Orlando Cabrera: Cabrera also has taken a tumble from the his past performance over the years. Oakland had talked about moving him to second base, however I think there is a place where he can play shortstop.

Where I think he should land: Chicago Cubs: I could easily see Cabrera, moving from the south side to the north side. I think Lou Pinella has a penchant for veterans over youngsters. If Cabrera goes to short, that would move Ryan Theriot to 2nd and Aaron Miles then becomes the super sub.

Third Basemen
Joe Crede: The thing that has hurt Crede more then anything has been injuries. Crede, like all these other guys is going to have to take a small 1 year deal, or an incentive laced deal, to prove themselves and hopefully gets a better deal next year (and hope the economy gets better also). Crede has had back struggles, could probably fill in at 1st and DH, as well as play 3rd.

Where I think he should land: St. Louis Cardinals: When Crede is healthy, he's good. Every season in which he has played 100 games or more, he has at least 19 home runs. His best season came in '06, when he hit .283 and smacked 30 home runs. I think he would help St. Louis, and maybe give Albert Pujols some protection. I mean, let's be honest, the Cards have a lot of unproven sticks in that lineup behind Big Al, so why not give Crede a shot.

Bobby Abreu: Once again, this is a line you can use for everyone, the economy is probably hurting these players. Abreu, is getting older but I still think he has some juice left. I think he can help a team and give them about the same thing he did last year, 20 HR's, 100 RBI's and 22 SB's. He also flirted with .300, batting .296. I think Abreu can help out around the same numbers. If I was the Yankees, I'd rather have him in right field then Johnny Damon, because Abreu has a better arm.

Where I think he should land: Detroit Tigers: Just load the line up a little more with power. Take Abreu and move him to left field. Then, take Carlos Guillen and move him to 2nd base. After you do that, trade Placido Polanco to a team that could use a super sub or a middle infielder, and in return the Tigers can get a relief pitcher, or another starter.

Moises Alou: Okay, first off supposedly Alou, has a pretty bad habit to make his hands tough. Plus, Alou also acted like a little 7 year old, when Steve Bartman reached over the wall a few years back during the Cubs NLCS with ehe Cardinals several years back. I think Alou is almost out of chances due to the fact of age and injuries. The AL might be the best choice for the Whizzinator.

Where I think he should land: Toronto Blue Jays: The Jays could use someone in left field and maybe someone to help out as a DH every now and again. Plus, Alou being a veteran presence may be able to help out Toronto with some leadership qualities (as long as nobody leans over the left field wall trying to catch a foul ball).

Garret Anderson: A good veteran presence, I like Anderson and think he can still be very helpful in the clubhouse and can provide some pop and more. I don't think Anderson is going to put up MVP numbers, but I don't think he will hurt you either. A good pick up for someone.

Where I think he should land: Los Angeles Angels: He should stay put. I think he is a better option in left field then Juan River, and I think he's a better option at Designated Hitter then Gary Matthews Jr. Anderson, has never hit less then .280 in a season during his career. The Angels should keep him, but they won't and it will be someone else's gain.

Adam Dunn: Probably overrated. It seems like it's either feast or famine with Dunn, as he often hits a homer or strikes out. (40 home runs, 160 strike outs. That comes to 204 home runs/strikeouts out of 517 at bats). To me, that's a lot of homers or strike outs. But, I mean if you are a team and you can get 40 home runs and 100 RBI's out of him, that's still pretty good.

Where I think he should land: Washington Nationals: After Ryan Zimmerman and Josh Willingham, the person with the most power at Nationals Park is the guy sitting in section 302, row AA, seat 6. If you don't read between the lines, that means the Nats need some pop. Adam Dunn brings that pop. Pay him the money, sign him, worry about some pitching later on.

More free agent projections to come later

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Super Pick

The Super Bowl pregame show started about 4 days ago, as NBC gives us a full 4 days of pregame coverage. Here's what you may have missed.

- On "Hardball", Chris Matthews interviewing Kurt Warner's garbage man, after the garbage man, revealed he knows Joe the Plumber. Matthews, refers Warner's sanitation collector, as Jim the Trash Hauler.

- Matt Lauer on the "Today show" interviewed Ann Coulter, asking her what does she have against Byron LEFTwich. Coulter, dodges the question and plugs her new book titled "I'm Still Talking, so Shut Up Matt". Willard Scott also makes a cameo to wish Morten Anderson a Happy 100th.

- On "Countdown", Keith Olbermann counts down his top 10 "Worse People in the World" The results go as such.
10. Jerry Jones
9. Dan Snyder
8. Bill Bellichick
7. Leonard Little
6. Michael Vick
5. Terrell Ownes
4. Al Davis
3. Adam "Don't call me Pacman" Jones
2. Rae Carruth
1. Bill O' Reilly

- On the 16th hour of "Today", Kathie Lee and Hoda, guests are Joe Namath and Frank Gifford. A tipsy Namath says "Kiss me, Kathie Lee", while a sober Gifford says "Kiss me, Hoda."

- Jay Leno Hosts "The Chin Show", special guest: Bill Cowher.

- Bob Costas complains about the wild card system, saying only division winners should be allowed in the playoffs. Costas, also states that there should be no interleague play, and the designated receiver should be eliminated.

- David Gregory hosts "Meet the Press" with Jay Glazer (FOX Sports), Adam Schefter (NFL Network), Chris Mortensen (ESPN), and Michael Silver (Yahoo). When the subject of journalistic integrity comes up, all four turn and look at Mortensen.

- Joe Biden hosts his own segment called "Listen to Joe". It has been running for 36 hours with no commercials. Biden has had no guests appear.

Now for the game, it somewhat reminds me of last year, no one is giving the NFC a chance. Do I think the Cardinals can win? Yes. Do I think they will? No. Mike Tomlin will prove his worth and coach the Steelers for another 20 years (which in today's NFL, is like 40 years). I like Roethlisberger to manage the game, and I like the Steelers defense to control the game. I think some of the Cardinals are just going to be happy to be there and it will show on certain plays. I do expect a low scoring and close affair. Let's call it Steelers 20 Cardinals 14.